From today (01 February 2024), Salt Financial Advisers (we, us, our) has commenced our business operations under a new authorisation from Salt Financial Group AFSL Pty Ltd. As such, our previous authorisation under Affinia Financial Advisers (Affinia) has ceased.

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Jenni Anderson
Understanding Superannuation

Superannuation, often referred to as "super," is a long-term savings plan designed to provide financial support in retirement. It's a cornerstone of financial planning, and optimising your contributions can significantly impact the lifestyle you lead in your golden years.

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Jenni Anderson
Market Update - Reviewing 2023

The past year has been an impressive one for the financial markets, marked by significant resilience and growth. The ASX 200 recorded a notable 7.8% rise, its best since 2021; while the S&P 500 surged by an impressive 25%. This growth was fuelled by strong corporate earnings, reduced inflation rates, and an optimistic outlook on economic recovery.

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Jenni Anderson
Simplify Your Finances & Empower Your Business: Salt Financial Accountants & Xero

Sound financial management is a cornerstone of running a profitable and successful business. As business owners make key decisions based on factors such as cash flow and profitability every day, it is important for businesses to have strong bookkeeping and record-keeping processes in place to ensure that the information they are basing these decisions on, is timely and accurate.

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Jenni Anderson
Understanding the Impact of LMITO Removal

The Australian tax landscape has undergone a significant change with the removal of the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (LMITO), which was a temporary measure introduced in 2018 to provide tax relief to low- and middle-income earners. The offset, which offered a maximum benefit of $1,500, was phased out in the 2021-22 financial year and no longer applies for the 2022-23 income year onwards.

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Jenni Anderson