Growing your business means more cash for you now plus a higher sale price in the future when you decide to eventually sell your business. Our article below sets out some important steps to take to achieve your businesses full potential.
Read MoreOne of the tasks that we see commonly put on hold each year when we speak with clients is their wills and estate planning. While we understand thinking about your own death can be confronting, the grief of losing a family member can be compounded by the confusion of trying to work through the legal implications of an estate with no will. Salt’s team of advisers work with specialist estate solicitors to ensure your wishes are captured correctly, as well as understanding the tax consequences of the directions of your will and ultimately making the whole process easier to understand and free from legal jargon.
Read MoreYou may have read in the media or even received a letter outlining that your fund has failed this performance test. What should you do and what should you know?
Read MoreNew year, new offerings? Critically reviewing your products and services to see if there is an additional way you can provide benefits to your existing clients or unlock new clients can be a strong pathway to growth. Our article below sets out some important steps to take
Read MoreThe maximum income thresholds for the Commonwealth Seniors Heath Card significantly increased from 4 November 2022 allowing more older Australians to qualify.
Read MoreGrowing your business means more cash for you now plus a higher sale price in the future when you decide to eventually sell your business. We have outlined some of the best ways to find new markets and increase your market share. Click the link below to find out how.
Read MoreFocus On Existing Customers
Target your best customers with offers
Identify the customers who generate the most profit for your business or who have the most potential for additional sales. Actively engage with these customers to gain more sales. Find out how you can utilise the 80/20 rule in business.
Read MoreAt Salt Financial Group our integrated financial services are able to create a detailed and personalised plan to help you achieve Financial Freedom. This plan can help you to understand how you are positioned to meet your retirement and pre-retirement goals. We can use this to recommend appropriate strategies for building wealth and reducing tax. One or more of these key 6 options may be appropriate for you:
Read MoreThe ATO has recently released a new guidance that totally changes the way that professional firms can allocate (or split) their profits among a family group.
Under PCG 2021/4 Professional firms including doctors, dentists, medical specialists, lawyers, architects, engineers, consultants, financial advisers, and accountants are being ranked audit and higher scrutiny based on a new “traffic light” system and quotes
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