Shorter simpler domain names

From 24 March 2022, anyone with a local connection to Australia (including businesses, associations and individuals) will be able to register a new category of domain name. These shorter simpler domain names will end in .au rather than,,, or

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Jenni Anderson
Is personal insurance tax-deductible?

Most types of life insurance are not tax deductible. This is because, according to the ATO, insurance premiums aren't tax deductible if the policy pays a benefit for physical injury. But there are a couple of exceptions such as income protection and TPD held inside super.

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Jenni Anderson
Pensions to face tougher scrutiny under new TBAR system

Speaking in a recent podcast, Colonial First State head of technical services Craig Day noted the recent announcement from the ATO that all SMSFs will need to report on a quarterly basis from 1 July 2023.

Mr Day explained that from July next year, all SMSFs will need to report events such as the commencement of a pension and pension commutations no later than 28 days after the end of the month.

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Jenni Anderson
Understanding Personal Insurance

Having adequate life insurance cover provides you and your family with financial protection in the event of unexpected death, illness, injury or a major health catastrophe (such as disablement, a heart attack or cancer).

Insurance coverage provides you with peace of mind. It aims to remove or reduce the financial stress that inevitably occurs as a result of these events.

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Jenni Anderson
Why Business Success Services are not BS

Success is subjective. As a business owner, you will have a vision about what you want your business to look like and where you want it to be in the next few years. More often than not however business owners fail to achieve this goal in the time frame they desire or even at all. This leads to a loss of the passion and enjoyment that should come from running your own business.

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Jenni Anderson
Industry Super Funds Vs the Equity Markets

We often get questions in a down market relating to industry super funds boasting positive performances and if this is all smoke and mirrors. Where should you be, an industry fund or in listed equities? This is a complex answer but in short: it shouldn’t matter.

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Jenni Anderson
ROE – not the fish eggs

ROE or ‘Return on Equity’ is a measure that financial analysts use to measure the financial performance of an investment by dividing the net income of a business by the total shareholders equity. It is used to help gauge how efficient a company is in generating profits. The higher the ROE, the more efficient a company is at generating income and growth from its equity.

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Jenni Anderson

I caught up with a long-time friend of mine recently, we sat at a table and ordered a soda water and started catching up on what had been happening in the last couple of months.

We covered the usual topics, families are both good, work is busy, looking forward to a holiday and then he mentioned that he had just competed in a bodybuilding competition.

My mate had always been into his fitness but this was taking it to another level. When I asked him why his answer stuck with me.

He said, “I know that I enjoy the gym and I feel like I'm making gains, but until I get up on stage with competitors there’s no way I know objectively how I am going.”

Most business owners have a gut feeling about how well their business is doing. They look at their bank balance or the profit figure in their accounting software and get a warm fuzzy feeling (or cold sweat). But is that good enough?

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Jenni Anderson