Perhaps the most common type of objection is in relation to income tax, if you’re an individual or small business objecting to an assessment of income tax, you will have 2 years from the date the assessment was given to you.
Read MoreIn the event that you were to become totally and permanently disabled due to a sickness or injury and unable to work again, a total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance policy could play a vital role.
Read MoreWhen it comes to building and maintaining wealth, super is widely considered to be one of the most tax-effective investment structures available.
Read MoreThe rollout of the AstraZeneca vaccine is set to begin in March as the first 300,000 doses landed in Sydney, with 1.2 million more doses due shortly from Europe before Australian partner, CSL, begins production of 50 million doses. The federal government said Australian health professionals will soon be delivering over 500,000 vaccinations a week, with general practitioners set to assist in the Covid-19 vaccine rollout in coming weeks. Health Minister Greg Hunt confirmed that Australia will keep its international borders shut for at least another three months with over 40,000 Australians still stuck overseas. GDP grew 3.1% in the December quarter, taking the yearly rate from -3.8% to -1.1%. The result marked the second straight strong quarter of growth as the economy continues to recover from Covid-19 led restrictions helped by high levels of monetary and fiscal stimulus.
Read MoreOn 31 March 2021, the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year ends. With the ever increasing budget deficits, the ATO will be reviewing whether all employers who should be paying FBT are, and that they are paying the right amount.
Read MoreThe Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) was designed to supress, if not outright eliminate the “black economy” by requiring businesses providing various services to lodge a report containing details of payments made to contractors or subcontractors.
Read MoreSuperannuation makes up almost 10% of our salaries and is vital to our retirement, yet many of us don’t put much thought into it beyond ensuring the correct amount goes into the fund of our choice.
Read MoreWhen it comes to wealth accumulation and the management of certain lifetime risks, an appropriately established personal insurance plan can be an important risk management strategy.
Read MoreOver the course of your life, the income you receive will often be assessable for income tax purposes. However, depending on your situation, there will be instances where the tax payable may be reduced.
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