Market Review July 2020

Australian equities:

The recovery in Australian shares was cut short in July amid reports of growing Covid-19 cases and anticipation of harsher restrictions in Victoria. Early in August, the Victorian government announced a state of disaster and moved to stage four lockdown, which will see an estimated 1 million people restricted from going to and from their workplace for at least six weeks, while only essential businesses including supermarkets and pharmacies may remain open. The S&P/ASX 200 Index gained 0.5% over the month, dragged down by the energy and health care sectors.

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Jenni Anderson
COVID-19 impacts on FBT

As the pandemic drags on, there may be many unintended consequences for businesses in relation to benefits that you provide in addition to salary and wages, namely FBT. While exemptions and concessions may be available to reduce or eliminate the amount of FBT

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Jenni Anderson
The Power of Diversification

You’ve heard the expression ‘Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket’. This is as true to your investments as it is for eggs. Including different investment classes to a portfolio reduces risk through diversification.

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Jenni Anderson